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Rob McMenemy leaves Egmont Publishing

Egmont Publishing has announced the departure of Rob McMenemy, CEO International.

Following the successful implementation of Egmont Publishing’s new global strategy and the formation of two new global units in 2015 - Global Licensing Management and Global Content Development - McMenemy has decided to leave Egmont.

Rob McMenemy said: “Having seen through the development of the Kid´s business into a more global publishing operation, the time is right to move on. After 22 very happy years with Egmont this was not an easy decision to make, but it is time for another challenge.”

Torsten Bjerre Rasmussen, CEO of Egmont Publishing commented: “I would like to thank Rob not just for the success he has brought to Egmont over many years, but also his leadership in steering the Kid´s business to the next stage of its future.”

Rob McMenemy leaves Egmont Publishing with effect from 1st July 2016.