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Sheffield title wins awarded national benchmark

New Start claims to have become the first magazine in the country to be awarded recognition by a government place-making scheme.

The Sheffield-based national publication is one of only 20 key resources to be given the ‘Place-making recognition scheme’ endorsement, which is operated by the government-supported Homes and Communities Agency (HCA).

Pictured are: Daniel Wilkinson from sponsors Jellyfish, New Start MD Jamie Veitch and editor Austin Macauley and ‘dragon’ and awards compere James Caan.

The seal of approval puts the monthly regeneration magazine alongside national names such as the British Urban Regeneration Association (BURA), the Chartered Institute of Housing (CIH) and the Commission for Architecture and the Built Environment (CABE), says the publishers.

The HCA scheme was launched last year and seeks to formally recognise resources which meet two key criteria:

• Improving professional and/or community understanding of place-making and helping different groups work together

• Developing skills and building capacity within communities, organisations and individuals.

New Start Publishing’s managing director Jamie Veitch said: “Many schemes tend to follow a pattern of box-ticking with a certificate at the end. But this HCA recognition is different.

“Professional bodies, academic institutions and training providers in the regeneration sector will only get the nod from the HCA if they meet its core values and skills criteria.

“We have always viewed New Start as a ‘toolkit’ for practitioners and professionals working in community renewal, social enterprise, economic development and place-making. This thumbs-up from the HCA recognises that we are indeed serving that purpose.”

The HCA will publish a searchable database of products, programmes and resources that have received its approval later this summer.

For more information about the HCA place-making scheme visit

About New Start

New Start says: “New Start was launched in February 1999 and is the toolkit for regeneration practitioners.

A values-driven business and the trusted source for best practice, analysis and opinion in the regeneration sector, the magazine and online news service exists to inform and inspire a readership working to regenerate deprived communities across the UK.

New Start beat competitors from across the UK to win the ‘Team of the Year’ trophy at the national Independent Publisher Awards ceremony.

New Start Publishing offers a much praised design and print service and coordinates and hosts events ranging from major national conferences on cutting-edge issues to interactive seminars.”