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ShortList announces new Editor

Joe Mackertich will take up the Editorship of ShortList magazine, the men’s title, next week.

Joe replaces Martin Robinson and joins the team from the Mr Hyde daily email service, where he has overseen subscriber growth of 75% in just over a year.

According to the publishers, Joe has transformed Mr Hyde into one of the most entertaining and useful reads in men’s media. Among the core of its readership, it borders on a cult. Joe will remain editor-in-chief of the London men’s guide, overseeing both brands.

Joe Mackertich says, “What an absolute honour it is to be appointed editor of ShortList magazine. Martin’s done an exceptional job and building on all of his hard work will be tremendous. There aren’t many “big” magazines left that speak to an intelligent, discerning, metropolitan male audience – I relish the opportunity to commune with these people every week,”

Shortlist Media Editorial Director Phil Hilton says, “Joe is above all, funny. He’s funnier in budget meetings than many professional stand-ups on stage. He also has a heart-felt commitment to honest service. He takes up the role after an exhaustive application process and blew us away with ideas, tone and commitment to a useful approach that operates with integrity and authenticity.”

Mike Soutar, Shortlist Media CEO says, “The men’s market is dynamic and changing fast. We see an amazing opportunity for ShortList under Joe. No one understands the modern, urban, working male like he does.”

Publisher Darren Sital-Singh says, “Joe is that rare journalist who understands the importance of working closely with commercial partners while also surprising and delighting readers.”

Joe’s first day in the job is Monday, July 4.