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The Media Briefing to close

Briefing Media announced on Friday that The Media Briefing is to close and that its two leading events are to be hosted by Haymarket in future.

The following message was posted on The Media Briefing website on Friday:

A message from Neil and Rory

On September 28th 2010, at around 3am we turned The Media Briefing live for the first time. That moment was the beginning of the creation of Briefing Media, a business which today thrives and grows.

As ever in media, our story unfolded rather differently than we imagined! Today we are primarily a business focussed on the world of Agribusiness. We love the media industry and are so grateful to all our friends in the industry who have contributed, attended, read or just been there as the business has grown.

Just a few weeks ago we celebrated with you the best in British Media at the 2017 British Media Awards. We could not have been prouder to host an event attended by the most innovative and brightest media folk in the land.

However, we have come to the conclusion that we have to focus on one strategy; to be clear about what Briefing Media is about and where we are going. So we have decided, following a discussion with Haymarket, to pass on the baton of our media industry events.

We have announced Friday that Haymarket will host and own both the British Media Awards and Digital Media Strategies. Their strength and depth in coverage of the media sector will ensure that these events get the focus and attention they deserve in the years to come. Some of our team will be joining Haymarket so you will still hear from them.

However this plan also means that The Media Briefing will cease. We thank you for all your support over the last seven years, hope to see you at next year’s British Media Awards (I guess we could even enter!) and wish you all every success. We hope we have been of some small service.

In the meantime, wish us well as we continue on our path to the be the world's leading agri-information company.

Neil Thackray & Rory Brown


Briefing Media