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Time Inc and Starcom Mediavest Group unveil Mumentum Mums

Advertising needs to do more to keep up with societal changes and connect with mums, Time Inc. UK and Starcom Mediavest Group (SMG) have found in a major study focusing on mums with children aged under 15 – a group it has named MUMentum Mums.

The MUMentum study of over 1,000 mothers highlights the new behaviours, attitudes and values of this highly influential consumer group, proving that the conventional image and expectation of being a super-mum at home is now a definite thing of the past, says Time Inc.

According to the research, women with children are disillusioned with being viewed only as mothers. The research revealed that the majority of mothers (91%) need a life outside of being a parent and 64% believe it is important to make time for their partners away from the kids. 78% say it is important just to take time out to have a laugh with their friends. Over a fifth did not identify themselves as a mother first and foremost.

Work represents a chance to be a woman for many mothers (68%), and 40% reveal they spend less hands-on time with their children than they used to. Nearly two-thirds of respondents said they felt being a mum is harder today than it was for their own mums.

A main feature of the report also found that mums build their lives around a complex set of needs and brands need to understand these needs to converse with them at an individual tailored level. Comfort was identified as the overarching need, with 65% of mums defining comfort as relaxing; 55% defining it as security and 46% defining it as feeling content.

Beyond comfort, four further key needs emerged - challenge, inspire, inform and share.

Brands must also consider the importance of mobile when talking to mums. The research found that 71% keep their mobile turned on 24/7 and find mobile and tablet apps valuable to managing their daily life. 65% take their mobile to bed with them and say technology saves time and makes life simpler.

Catherine Westwood, group editor, Essentials and GoodtoKnow, Time Inc.UK, says: “There is a brand new wave and emergence of women – MUMentum Mums – who have less of the try-hard, must-do attitude, accepting that they can’t do it all, who are mobile savvy and a powerful consumer force with specific needs. They are disillusioned with being viewed only as mums and want to be valued as confident and passionate women. Time Inc.UK is committed to this audience for the long term and our brands such as Essentials and GoodtoKnow will play a key part in leveraging this highly-engaged audience who value both print and digital products. We will continue to drive this agenda by offering brands and agencies a number of partnership opportunities, including a variety of bespoke research studies and access to editorial expertise through editorial think-tanks.”

Heather Dansie, Starcom Mediavest Group’s associate research director, adds: “We need to recognise that women today are more than just mums. Her time is incredibly stretched and she is seeking not only moments to relax and recharge but also challenges to stretch her abilities. Brands can provide that inspiration by engaging her with the right content in a mobile world to help her be the best she can be.”

The MUMentum study also found:

• 86% of all MUMentum mums are smart-phone users

• Challenges feel easier when she feels informed and in control – mobile delivers this (replacing her eight arms) in abundance for mums

• 82% find alerts on their phone from their child’s school valuable to helping them being a parent

• 81% are turning to the internet for parenting help and advice

• 66% find their mobile valuable for keeping track of their children’s whereabouts

• 65% take their mobile to bed with them

• 80% find social media as a way of staying in touch with family and friends has increased in value to them since having children