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Tourism Media Group announces license deal with Think Travel Media

The newly-formed The Tourism Media Group last week announced a licensing agreement with Think Travel Media to publish the Where portfolio of travel media brands, which includes Where and London Planner.

Tourism Media Group announces license deal with Think Travel Media
Chris Johnson: “I’m relishing the challenge of once more connecting a new generation of international travellers with reliable, inspiring information across a variety of platforms.”

The Tourism Media Group is founded by three inbound travel specialists:

  • Rob Way, who has over 20 years’ sales and marketing experience working with the Where brands.
  • Chris Johnson, former Where Europe group editor-in-chief.
  • Sean Thompson, publisher of the Chinese UK Visitor Guide suite of print and digital platforms.

Rob Way: “Both Where and London Planner are well-respected legacy travel brands that I have had the pleasure of working on for over two decades. The Tourism Media Group (TMG) is perfectly positioned to propel Where to the next level, with a suite of revitalised digital initiatives working in partnership with our U.S. colleagues, plus a publishing schedule of print products that will give a welcome boost to the inbound tourism industry”.

Chris Johnson: “As long-standing content director across the Where portfolio, I’m relishing the challenge of once more connecting a new generation of international travellers with reliable, inspiring information across a variety of platforms. In addition, we will continue to offer our award-winning, publishing, digital and content marketing services to the travel trade.”

Sean Thompson: “This deal supercharges my commitment to providing multi-lingual visitor solutions, contract publishing and third party media sales and buying to our industry partners.”

Ian McAuliffe, CEO of Think Travel Media, said: “We see this licensing arrangement as an exciting first step towards developing a one-stop shop for both today’s travellers and the travel trade that is data-led and digital-first.

“We will use the data Think and TMG gather about our readers / audiences to deliver effective marketing services and branded / content marketing to tourist boards, tour operators and the tourism industry.”

Think Travel Media was formed in 2020, after the merger of two established travel media brands: Wanderlust and Where. Think Travel Media Ltd is owned by Think Publishing Ltd and Morris Communications Company.

William S Morris III, Chairman of Morris Communications, said: “Today we begin a transformative period for our inbound tourism brands. This licensing deal with our good friends in The Tourism Media Group and our combined commitment to digital development means we will be well placed to convert these essential tourism brands into industry leaders for the next decade and beyond.”

Brands in The Tourism Media Group portfolio will include:

  • Where London
  • London Planner
  • IN London
  • IN London – Chinese Edition
  • IN London – Arabic Edition
  • Where Maps
  • Where & When Concierge Platforms & Outreach
  • Where Junior
  • At Your Service Concierge Magazine
  • Chinese UK Visitor Guide

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