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Last week, Bauer Media launched a new venture, Bauer Access, to help develop their cross-platform commercial offering to blue-chip brands. Karen Stacey explains what they’re trying to achieve.

By Karen Stacey

Bauer Access, launched at last week's 'Bauer Live', is a new form of creative collaboration with our commercial partners, harnessing the best content, talent and ideas we have to offer, backed by insight, intuition and our unique cross-platform position.

We have been extending our brands across platforms for twenty years. We have offered clients and agencies cross-media solutions for more than eleven years and will continue to do so. 

Bauer Access, however, will be a powerful window for like-minded brand owners and their agencies to pass through more regularly and more easily. In January, we will be kicking off a series of open access sessions with our editors and programmers to which clients and agencies will be invited.

Bauer Access will definitely be added value for the audience. It’s not about whether it’s cross-media or not – it’s about creating the richest and most relevant content that our editors and programmers want to run, our readers want to see and our listeners want to hear.

Consumers don’t distinguish between the origins of the most powerful value adding content. They just consume it voraciously, interact with it and act on it. This is valuable for everyone – consumers, media owners and advertisers. It’s true partnership business; extremely valuable and a very exciting business to grow.

The combination of collaborating in the creative process and our unique cross platform position means we can deliver on our promises to develop better, deeper content which connects, influence and persuades our consumers more than ever before.

This year we have delivered some great campaigns which we are really proud of: –

Orange - where we created over 50, hour long interviews with the biggest stars of today, brought to life on radio, in magazines and online across five of our most influential brands engaging over 6m people in the process.

Cornetto - which saw us take on the UK's biggest production companies and win to create a brand new dating show, brought to life online via Facebook and amplified by two of the UK’s leading lifestyle brands heat and FHM.

Sony Ericsson - where we went behind the scenes at Empire, heat and FHM, providing unlimited access into life at each brand using the new SE camera phone to record every detail. Supported by partnership content in each title, the campaign galvanised over 150,000 people to take part and has spurred the creation of permanent video diaries in Empire and heat which receive thousands of views every day.

Russian Standard Vodka – where we introduced RSV to UK audiences with a campaign that focussed on Russian excellence in fashion via Grazia; film via Empire, and music via Q and Kiss.

All great examples of what happens when the right people and the right idea get together and exactly the sort of great work that Bauer Access will further accelerate.