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Anthem Publishing appoints ESco

ESco have announced that they have successfully migrated subscriptions for Anthem Publishing to ESco from another bureau.

Anthem are now benefiting from ESco's full subscriptions bureau service, which includes customer service, account management, analytics, eCommerce and renewals, amongst many other things.

Bath-based Anthem Publishing is one of the UK's most dynamic and fastest growing magazine publishers. Active in the music, food and colouring sectors, Anthem’s brands include Music Tech, Classic Pop and Vegan Food. ESco says they are very excited about how they can help Anthem to grow subscriptions in the future.

Commenting on the move to ESco, Jon Bickley the CEO of Anthem said: "After fifteen years with the same subscription bureau, making the switch wasn't something we undertook lightly. But after a thorough pitch process we were pleased to find a meeting of minds and culture with ESco. We're delighted with the migration that has been professionally managed with the minimum amount of disruption we could hope for. Now it's down to business and building our brands with our new partner."