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ark invests in Media Screens

ark media has added media screens to their magazine stands in the recently refurbished Mayflower Cruise Terminal in Southampton.

Now every terminal at Southampton, four in total, has a stand with a television screen.

Publishers can utilise still images or video to raise brand awareness, push subscription offers or even dedicate the space to key advertisers. With their exclusive access, ark media is also using the space to promote local tourist attractions.

Southampton welcomed 1.6 million passengers in the past twelve months. With a forecast growth of 20% in 2016, cruise terminals remain one of the best way to reach a captive, affluent audience in their leisure time, says ark media. With a huge increase in luxury and family cruising, the sector is going from strength to strength.

Matt Pryce, MD of ark media commented: “The addition of media screens allows publishers to interact with their readers at these locations in a way they haven’t been able to before.” He added: "Southampton’s City Cruise terminal had a world record 9,000 people pass through its doors in one day last month and we are delighted to offer our publishers access to this growing market.”