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Estates Gazette launches REWIRE network for women

Last month, Estates Gazette, in association with FTi Consulting and in support of the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award, launched REWIRE, a cross-industry network for women in the built environment to network and support each other and to help those who need it to find a voice.

The Countess of Wessex, chair of the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Women in Business Group, attended the launch, mingling with the crowd and speaking to the audience.

She was followed by Emma Sammes, a young woman from Acton, W3, who told the event how the DofE award helped steer her away from delinquency to success, of how she realised that while she thought she was confident, the DofE taught her that she was just loud and that real confidence only comes when you push outside your comfort zone.

Samantha McClary, Head of Content/Deputy Editor said: “At Estates Gazette we have already committed to making sure we have at least one women on all of our panel debates, not as a token presence, but to truly reflect the nature of the industry. Through REWIRE we aim to help more women, particularly those new to the industry, to harness their knowledge and talents, to not just do, but to shout about it.

We will hold regular networking events, debates and workshops to help women find their voices, build confidence and to self-promote.”