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Finnish Ambassador visits UPM’s Ayrshire mill

Scotland’s single largest ever inward investment, UPM Caledonian paper mill, received His Excellency the Finnish Ambassador of Finland to the United Kingdom Mr Pekka Huhtaniemi this week during a business delegation to Scotland.

The delegation, which is meeting with business leaders, civil servants and members of the Scottish Government, is promoting the strong links and business opportunities between Scotland and Finland. Mr Huhtaniemi, who is based at the Finnish Embassy in London, is keen to promote the collaboration.

(Pictured: Pekka Huhtaniemi (on the left) and Gordon Mitchell.)

Speaking during his visit to the paper mill in Irvine he said: “UPM Caledonian is a great example of Finnish business investing in Scotland. For nearly 25 years the mill has invested in the local community creating jobs both at the facility and in the wider community. “

He added: “I am equally impressed with the sound investment into sustainable manufacturing here with the integrated combined heat power plant. Our visit to Scotland is providing much opportunity and future discussion.”

Mr Gordon Mitchell, General Manager at UPM Caledonian commented: “UPM has invested significantly into this site in Ayrshire, most recently with a £68M investment into a renewable energy power plant. This investment alone reduced our CO2 emissions by 75,000 tonnes per year and is a true contribution to the Scottish Government’s 2020 carbon reduction vision.”

During the visit the delegation visited the operations at the site on Meadowhead Road as well as seeing the CHP facility.

The delegation’s visit is organised by FinnPro and hosted by Scottish Development International.

About UPM

UPM says: “UPM leads the integration of bio and forest industries into a new, sustainable and innovation-driven future. Our products are made of renewable raw materials and are recyclable. UPM consists of three Business Groups: Energy and pulp, Paper, and Engineered materials. The Group employs around 24,000 people and it has production plants in 16 countries. UPM's annual sales exceed EUR 10 billion. UPM's shares are listed on the Helsinki stock exchange.