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NFRN hold first suppliers conference

The NFRN is this month holding its first ever suppliers’ conference when it will unveil what it describes as the £6 billion opportunity offered by working with members.

According to the NFRN: More than 150 suppliers are expected to attend the event which is taking place on May 17 in London.

Called ‘The £6bn Opportunity Conference’, it will highlight to suppliers, publishers and wholesalers the potential of working with the Federation.

Announcing this exciting new venture, NFRN Chief Executive Paul Baxter said: “We estimate our members’ sales to be about £6bn a year and by anyone’s standards that is a huge opportunity. 

“Through this conference, we can demonstrate that potential to suppliers and show how we can work together to develop sales and profits through our members.

“I’m delighted that the response from suppliers to this initiative has been extremely positive and I expect the conference to be a very successful and productive event”.

The conference will take place at Etc Venues, 200 Aldersgate.  Registration is at 9.30am and it will run through to 1pm when lunch will be served.

Suppliers who have not received details but would like to attend should contact Charlotte Caton by email on