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Rail Express appoints Richard Clinnick

Rail Express, the magazine aimed at the modern rail enthusiast and modeller, has a new editor at the helm from this month.

Rail Express appoints Richard Clinnick

Speaking of the new appointment, Rail Express says Richard Clinnick has been a journalist for 20 years and has worked for various titles in the railway press since 2005.

A lifelong railway enthusiast and reader of Rail Express since the first issue, Richard’s experience includes conducting interviews with a wide range of people within the industry, travelling across Europe covering the ever-changing railway scene and even providing advice to the Government’s Transport Select Committee.

Already with a reputation as the place for some of the best rail photography, the new editor will combine that with exclusive interviews and trips behind-the-scenes to give the Rail Express readers access and insight, says the publisher.

Richard’s strong social media presence, with more than 19,500 followers on Twitter, offers a platform for Rail Express to expand to a wider audience via improved interaction with readers.

This, combined with the continued strong modelling content, should offer the perfect read for the modern rail enthusiast.

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