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Social Work Now launch

Haymarket’s Children & Young People Now has unveiled the latest addition to its family, Social Work Now.

The new monthly publication is dedicated to children’s and families’ social workers and anyone whose role involves the safeguarding of children more generally. It will contain insight on best practice, career development, a news round-up and expert comment and advice.

The launch comes on the back of a major national recruitment drive for children’s social workers after the high-profile child protection tragedies of recent years. It will be sent to all CYP Now’s subscribers as well as local authority social work teams and several thousand social work undergraduates.

“We want Social Work Now to be a helpful companion for all those who work tirelessly to safeguard children, young people and families. We hope it will make them feel good about what they do, which is among the toughest, most important jobs around,” said CYP Now editor and Social Work Now editor-in-chief Ravi Chandiramani.

The editor of the new title is Jo Stephenson, a journalist with six years’ experience reporting on services for children and young people. Social Work Now will publish ten times a year. The next edition will be the September issue.