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Sport Magazine launches augmented reality issue

Sir Steve Redgrave is the cover star of Sport magazine's first ever interactive issue, which is available this Friday (May 11).

The magazine's Legends issue features a video interview with Sir Steve, as well as interviews with other British Olympic heroes including Dame Kelly Holmes, Sally Gunnell and Jonathan Edwards.

The magazine teamed up with Blippar, the image recognition app, to bring editorial and advertising content to life in the print issue. It is the magazine’s first augmented reality issue.

Readers who download the Blippar app on their phones will be able to scan the front cover and see Redgrave come to life and introduce the magazine’s first fully interactive issue.

All of the main interviews in the magazine will have an interactive element with the app, as well as the Radar front section and kit and entertainment reviews.  Advertisers also had the opportunity to add interactive layers to their print ads and the magazine will include augmented reality ads for Next and Lionsgate films.

In the past year Sport magazine has undergone a redesign featuring a new masthead and logo and launched an iPad edition with the full print edition available for download each week plus additional video and audio features. Sport is one of the only print magazines available for free in the App Store, say the publishers. 

Editor Simon Caney said: “It's a really exciting issue. Not only have we interviewed six British Olympic legends, the interactive element means we are offering something totally different to any issue we've done before. We're always exploring ways of delivering the magazine in a different way, but this is one of the most exciting things we've ever done. Having Sir Steve Redgrave, our greatest ever Olympian, introduce the magazine on film is absolutely terrific.”

Stephen Shaw, Opportunities Director for Blippar, responsible for building partnerships with publishers and media owners said: “Sport is an innovative publication that understands the importance of making its content more exciting, engaging and interactive for its readers. Working with Sport has provided us with a fantastic opportunity to showcase how Blippar enables deeper brand engagement and richer product experiences by acting as a digital bridge, which connects readers directly from the page to publishers’ and advertisers’ digital content platforms seamlessly, within seconds.”

About Blippar

Blippar says: “Blippar is the first image-recognition app for smart devices targeted at media and brand-customer interaction. A free-to-download app, Blippar opens up in camera mode and becomes a single, magic 'lens' through which your favourite newspapers, magazines, products and advertising in the real world are instantaneously recognised and 'unlocked' for additional content and fun, informative digital experiences. Blippar app is available for free in the Apple App Store and Android Market (selected handsets only).”