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Bauer France aims to acquire Télécâble Sat Hebdo

Bauer Media Group has entered into an exclusive negotiation process for the acquisition of Télécâble Sat Hebdo, one of France’s leading TV magazines.

Bauer France aims to acquire Télécâble Sat Hebdo
Nicolas Sauzay: “Télécâble Sat Hebdo has a unique proposition and a very loyal readership.”

Télécâble Sat Hebdo is owned by Hommell Group. This acquisition would strengthen Bauer’s position in the French market

According to Bauer Media Group, the acquisition is part of Bauer’s global publishing strategy of investing in new launches, concepts and business models around its brands, whilst actively participating in the consolidation of the industry and pursuing opportunities in new areas.

Nicolas Sauzay, CEO Bauer Media France, says: “Télécâble Sat Hebdo has a unique proposition and a very loyal readership. These are the achievements of an excellent editorial team and sensitive publishers who know their readership in depth. We would be proud to continue the success story of this iconic magazine brand under the flag of Bauer Media Group.”

Mr Hommell: "Given the global experience in publishing TV listings magazines, Bauer Media Group is the perfect owner for Télécâble Sat Hebdo. The magazine is in good shape and we are confident it will have a bright future perspective under the ownership of one of the largest publishing houses.”