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Consumers cautious but considering smart home tech

Eight in 10 consumers are interested in buying a smart tech product for the home but the purchase journey can take up to three months, according to new research by Time Inc. UK, which was revealed on Friday at London’s Smart App-artment.

The Time for Tech research reveals people’s relationship with tech and their purchase journeys across five key categories (mobile communications device, smart home devices, small home appliances, large home appliances and audio visual/home entertainment systems), offering an understanding of how technology brands can better connect with consumers, says Time Inc. UK.

Smart home purchases are deeply considered; almost three quarters of consumers (74%) take up to one month to decide which product to buy – and a further 17% take between one and three months. In addition, both partners are often involved in decision making and consumers can be found still seeking information about a product after they’ve made a purchase. They are also likely to talk about their purchase both online and offline.

Amanda Wigginton, director of Insight at Time Inc. UK, says: “By providing consumers with ongoing inspiration and helping them to filter choices means magazine brands can really help advertisers to guide consumers through the purchase decision making process.”

Evan Kypreos, editor of TrustedReviews, Time Inc. UK’s premier technology news and reviews site, says: “Smart tech can make people’s lives easier and safer, so why is this purchase more considered? It’s having one more thing to learn, one more thing that can go wrong, one more area of complexity in their lives. Consumers need to be as comfortable with smart tech in their homes as they are with their tablet for it to become a must-buy product.”

Amy Cutmore, technology editor at Ideal Home, Time Inc. UK’s leading home interest brand, adds: "I'm very excited about the connected home of the future but there are lots of questions consumers are asking. Which system? How do you install these gadgets? Is it really as easy as downloading an app? Is my WiFi good enough and can I improve it? All these questions need to be answered so consumers can confidently take the leap."

Smart home purchase habits:

* Three in four (74%) consumers who had bought a smart home product said their overall purchase journey took up to a month and 17% said it took them between one and three months

* Partners were included more in the purchase journey (32%) against a typical 22% for other technology, indicating consumers’ need for reassurance when deciding to buy in to this new technology

* The need for reassurance continues post-purchase for 54% compared to an average of 36% for the other tech categories. Behaviours include researching the product further or talking about the purchase either offline or online. As part of this post-purchase validation, respondents who had purchased a smart home product were more likely to recommend their purchase to family or friends (35%) compared to other categories which had an average of 22%

Current smart home product ownership:

* Smart TV – 23% already own a smart TV and 54% said they would consider it. The remaining 23% said they would not consider this purchase

* Smartwatch/Smartband – 6% have purchased a smartwatch or smartband and 39% said they would consider it. 55% said they would not consider this purchase

* Remotely controlled kitchen appliance – 4% already own a kitchen appliance that can be remotely controlled via a mobile app and 39% would consider buying this product. 57% said they would not consider this purchase

* Wireless audio system – 9% have invested in a wireless audio system that can be played across rooms and 53% of respondents said they would. 38% would not consider this purchase

* Smart lighting – 5% have already bought smart lighting and 58% said they would consider it. 37% would not consider this purchase

* Remotely controlled household security – 5% have purchased remote/wireless control of household security and 54% would consider it. 41% would not consider this purchase

* Remotely controlled household utilities – 5% have bought remote/wireless control of household utilities and 56% would consider this purchase. 39% would not consider this purchase.