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Fearne Cotton appointed columnist for Glamour

Fearne Cotton has been appointed columnist for Glamour magazine, it was announced yesterday in a video newsflash on

Fearne’s first piece will appear in the January issue of the magazine, on sale on Thursday.

Jo Elvin, Editor of Glamour commented: “WWFD – or What Would Fearne Do – is a bit of a mantra of mine. She’s incredibly talented and successful but also invariably charming, funny and chilled with it. I’m thrilled that she’ll be giving Glamour readers her insights on how she does it. Fearne deals with the same issues we all do – like balancing work and home life, or handling stress and criticism. Her advice is all gained from living in the real world with the rest of us!”

Fearne Cotton added: “What a thrill it is to have a new Glamour column. My main aim is to each month fill this space with stuff that makes you feel good... I want to share the remedies I have found that make my life work, that make my heart beat a little slower and my mind feel a little less like a Topshop sale on Boxing Day; things that allow my body to relax and truly feel in sync with what’s really going on. I hope you will connect with some of these too – and feel a little lighter.”

Along with introducing her new column, in the January issue of Glamour Fearne talks through the things she’s loving, reading and doing, and gives her top tip for turning around a bad day and going to bed happy.

Announcing her new column in a video newsflash on yesterday, Fearne also gives a taste of what we can expect from her on a monthly basis.