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LEIPA Group cooperates with AR platform snoopstar

LEIPA Group, a leading recycler of waste paper back into quality paper and packaging solutions, is bridging the gap from offline to online through its recently announced cooperation with augmented reality technology platform snoopstar.

LEIPA Group cooperates with AR platform snoopstar
Sarah Lesting: “Sustainability and circular economy are the leading ways to a brighter future.”

Through snoopstar, LEIPA says it can now turn magazines, newspapers, advertisements, packaging and any printed object into sustainable, digital worlds of experience.

For example, says LEIPA, emotional videos and background stories, exclusive content, helpful tutorials, additional product information, links to shops, social media campaigns etc – these can now be added to every printed material. Whether it’s ads, flyers, magazines or packaging: users simply open the free snoopstar app, point the camera at a print object and immerse into a multimedia world on their smartphone display.

By integrating the snoopstar AR technology into their portfolio, LEIPA open up new opportunities for interactive communication between brands and customers, publishers and readers, at the same time encouraging sustainability, says the company.

Sarah Lesting, Managing Director LEIPA UK: “Sustainability and circular economy are the leading ways to a brighter future. But what is really sustainable? And how can brands gain trust by giving deep insights? The challenge is not only to integrate sustainability into the corporate strategy, but also to communicate it credibly to the outside world. Storytelling and interaction with snoopstar are the key to more environmental education, higher brand transparency, greater customer loyalty and higher conversion rates.”

One big advantage, says LEIPA, is that snoopstar recognises the print medium itself, no markers are necessary. Unlimited content can be easily accessed via the app – or, alternatively, without an app via snoopcode. This reduces paper waste and has the potential to turn a catalogue into a postcard, while presenting even more information.

The online dimensions means that print becomes measurable too: customer interactions give marketing insights and show which content is particularly well received. In this way, brands achieve a completely new dimension of communication – and their fans enter a new world of information and interaction, says LEIPA.

You can find out more about LEIPA UK in our Publishing Services Directory.

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