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New Chair & Vice Chairs Appointed for BSME

The British Society of Magazine Editors has announced that their 2016 Chair is Claire Irvin, Editorial Content Director at River, former Editor-in-Chief of SHE and author of several fiction and non-fiction books.

Claire will be supported by Catherine Westwood, Group Editor of GoodtoKnow & Essentials at Time Inc. UK (Vice Chair, Consumer) and William Drew, Group Editor, Restaurant and World’s 50 Best Restaurants, at William Reed Business Media (Vice Chair, Business).

Claire says: “I’m delighted to be given the opportunity to lead a society that represents such a dynamic and exciting industry. I’ve been a member throughout my career, from the heady days of half a million monthly sales as Editor of Sugar, through to being Editor-at-Large of Grazia and Editor-in-Chief of SHE and now in the fast-paced and forward-thinking sector of content marketing at River. Being Editor of a magazine brand, whatever the format and channels on which it exists, is the best job in the world. It’s a challenging time for all Editors, and my aim for this year and beyond is to ensure we have a relevant and switched-on Society representing and supporting us to the best of its ability.”

The BSME committee includes:

Claire Irvin - Editorial Content Director, River and 2016 Chair

William Drew - Group Editor, Restaurant Magazine & The World’s 50 Best Restaurants (2016 Vice Chair, Business)

Catherine Westwood - Group Editor, Essentials and Goodtoknow (2016 Vice Chair, Consumer)

Jade Beer - Editor, Brides (covering Lucie Cave’s maternity leave)

Lucie Cave - Editor-in-Chief, Heat (on maternity leave)

Richard Headland - Editor, Which?

Lottie Johansson - Freelance Editor, Editorial Consultant and Blogger

Caroline McGinn - Editor-in-Chief, Time Out London

Sinead McIntyre - Editor, Fabulous

Maria Milano - Head of Editorial and Content,

Charlotte Moore - Editor, InStyle

Ben Preston - Editor, Radio Times

Dickon Ross - Editor-In-Chief, IET

John Smigielski - Editorial Director, AXON

John L Walters - Co-owner and Editor, Eye

Guy Woodward - Associate Editor, Harrods Publishing