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PPA and ABM form strategic alliance

The PPA and ABM, the association of business information and media companies, have entered into an agreement in which the two organisations will form a strategic alliance to share expertise and co-operate on advocacy efforts that benefit their respective memberships.

This alliance is part of a joint effort to help PPA and ABM members accelerate their understanding of, and ability to access, each other's geographic markets more efficiently, as well as increase the organisations' mutual effectiveness in government affairs.

PPA and ABM executives signed an agreement whereby the organisations will co-operate to share knowledge and research about each other's market size, dynamics and opportunities, as well as help make introductions and foster partnerships that enable more effective international co-operation and/or expansion.

Importantly, the two organisations will also join forces in government affairs wherever common goals can be furthered through shared information, synchronised messages, co-ordinated action, or even common positions and combined resources as appropriate. This initiative is especially urgent as legislative threats to information and media companies' business practices and revenues continue to expand and evolve rapidly across international boundaries.

Additionally, each organisation will raise awareness of, and enable easier access to, each other's services within their respective membership communities through selective cross-promotion and mutual discounts on services.

Clark Pettit, ABM President and CEO, said: "Today it is critical that businesses rapidly and effectively access international markets, whether through licensing, partnerships or acquisitions. It is also vital that they are protected from legislative threats and benefit from industry promotion, which often requires coordinated, cross-geographic efforts in government affairs. We are excited to leverage PPA's expertise to provide stronger industry offense and defense for our respective memberships at a critical time."

Barry McIlheney, CEO of the PPA, said: "I am delighted that we have agreed to this important strategic alliance with ABM. PPA Business Media members are professional content providers with an increasingly global outlook, and through access to insight and information from valued partners such as ABM, we are able to support them in exploring and exploiting new opportunities in international markets."

About ABM

ABM says: “Founded in 1906, ABM is positioned at the center of the global b-to-b ecosystem. As the only industry association focused on the entire b-to-b business model - data, events, information, marketing services and media - ABM delivers intelligence to industry professionals worldwide, including Madison Avenue, Wall Street and the Beltway. ABM's 200-plus member companies reach an audience of more than 100 million professionals and represent nearly 4,000 print and online titles and over 1,000 trade shows, with more than $20 billion in annual revenues.”

About PPA

PPA says: “The PPA promotes and protects the interests of print and online publishers of consumer and business media in the UK. The PPA has around 200 publishing companies in its membership, which collectively produce more than 2,500 consumer and business magazines and journals as well as digital media, data products and events.”