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RPS appoints a Managing Director for Pharmaceutical Press

Alina Lourie has been appointed Managing Director of Pharmaceutical Press, the publishing division of the Royal Pharmaceutical Society.

Alina was formerly a Business Unit Director of Thomson Reuters, responsible for Sweet & Maxwell online legal services in a 16-year managerial career at the company.

Announcing the appointment, Helen Gordon, Chief Executive of RPS, said: “We are delighted to appoint Alina to this senior role in the Society, with responsibility for our important, market-leading publishing division. Alina was chosen from a strong field of internal and external candidates and she brings substantial skills and experience to the Society at a time of major change and development for the future in a dynamic healthcare market.”

Colin Morrison, Chairman of Pharmaceutical Press, commented: “These are exciting but challenging times for all information and publishing businesses. Alina’s long-term experience and success in managing and developing substantial digital operations equip her extremely well to drive the future expansion of Pharmaceutical Press in the UK and internationally. This is a world-class business with excellent prospects.”

Prior to managing the Sweet & Maxwell online legal services, Alina had been Marketing Director of Westlaw UK and then responsible for the acquisition and management in France of an online service for HR professionals. She has also been Marketing Director of Macmillan Press.

Pharmaceutical Press (PhP) is a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Royal Pharmaceutical Society and is responsible variously for: the online service Medicines Complete, the reference work Martindale, the Pharmaceutical Journal and  (in partnership with BMJ Publications) the British National Formulary. In 2012, PhP is expanding its international operations with the relaunch in the United States of the Remington reference service for pharmacists.

The Royal Pharmaceutical Society is the professional leadership body for pharmacists.