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ShortList appoints new editor for Mr Hyde

Joe Mackertich has been appointed as the new editor for Mr Hyde, ShortList's daily email service.

Joe joins ShortList Media from FHM where was previously Deputy Editor. ShortList Media said: “He proved himself a brilliant, funny writer and editor during the interview process. He impressed us with his understanding of the reader and an uncanny ability to make very useful, well-researched content extremely entertaining to read.”

Phil Hilton, Editorial Director of ShortList Media, says: “Joe could make a guide to filling out a self-assessment tax form read like a hilarious journey of self-discovery. I can’t wait for him to form that special email, inbox bond with his readers.”

Joe says: “Thank you Shortlist Media for providing me with the means to communicate directly with London's menfolk. For someone born and raised in the capital, this is a true privilege. The idea that I'll soon be able to engage with Mr Hyde subscribers every morning, through the medium of email, is hilarious and terrifying.”

Former editor, Jonathan Pile is staying within ShortList Media and becoming Executive Editor, Gaming & Film across the male portfolio (Mr Hyde,, ShortList).

Andrew Dickens, who was previously responsible for film coverage on ShortList, will now be overseeing special projects on the magazine.