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Texere promotes Richard Hodson

Texere Publishing has announced the promotion of Richard Hodson to the role of chief commercial officer.

Texere promotes Richard Hodson
Richard Hodson: “I am delighted to have the opportunity to play an even more senior role at Texere – and I do not take the trust and expectations placed upon me lightly!”

Joining Texere as a publisher in May 2014, Richard Hodson oversaw the global launch of Texere’s first Pharmaceutical brand, The Medicine Maker. After five years, Hodson went on to be appointed commercial director with responsibility for the commercial, customer support, and project delivery teams for all sectors of Texere’s business – Healthcare, Pharmaceutical, and Science, says the publisher.

Coinciding with Texere’s 10th anniversary, Texere continued, Hodson’s appointment as chief commercial officer will expand his remit to include overall responsibility for all departments that are predominantly externally facing – namely, sales, commercial services, sales support, social media, and editorial.

Reflecting on his new appointment, Hodson said, “I am delighted to have the opportunity to play an even more senior role at Texere – and I do not take the trust and expectations placed upon me lightly! Fortunately, I work alongside a truly talented team – people who make the task ahead exciting rather than daunting. In ten years, we have built several respected, established brands, with another two on the runway – and we don’t plan on stopping. It’s a brilliant time for the business.”

Chief executive officer Andy Davies commented, “Richard has already proven himself a natural and capable leader – and always rises to the challenge. I have no doubt that his unwavering passion for – and commitment to – delivering the best experience to both our audiences and commercial partners will only be further multiplied in his new role as Chief Commercial Officer. And that puts Texere in a very good place indeed.”

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