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Future: appointment of non-executive director

Future, the special-interest media group, has announced that it has appointed Mark Whiteling as a non-executive Director with effect from 8th October 2010.

Since 2006 Mark Whiteling has been Chief Financial Officer of FTSE 250 company Premier Farnell plc. Premier Farnell is a leading multi-channel distributor of products and services to design and purchasing professionals globally, with over 45% of its business transacted via the web. Mark's prior experience includes Group Finance Director of Communisis plc, the pan-European print management / direct mail group and Tibbett & Britten plc, a FTSE 250 logistics company, as well as roles at SmithKline Beecham plc in both the USA and Europe.

Mark has a Master of Commerce degree and qualifications as both a New Zealand ACA and an American CPA.

As previously announced, Patrick Taylor has decided not to put himself forward for re-election at the Company's next Annual General Meeting in early 2011. The Board anticipates appointing Mark Whiteling as chair of the audit committee in succession to Patrick Taylor at that time.

Roger Parry, Future's Chairman, commented: “We are delighted to welcome Mark to the Board. In addition to his varied financial and public company experience, he will bring significant international perspective to the Board.”