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Micropress announces new investment

Micropress is making a large investment in new equipment, to the tune of around £3.75 million.

Micropress announces new investment
Micropress's new robotic P-Stacker.

While the investment comprises a number of machines, it centres around an 18,000sph ten-colour Heidelberg Speedmaster XL106 with Push-to-Stop technology, to replace an older five-colour Heidelberg 2015 XL106-5. The press hall is now home to three long perfectors, including the new ten-colour and two eight-colour XL106s.

“We are building for the future,” Micropress director Rob Cross says; “The new ten-colour should give us about 15% extra capacity. It’s our first ten-colour and first 18,000sph press. You’ve got to invest to stay competitive, and it’s a good time to re-invest and look at the business and the growth we want to achieve.”

The company has also replaced one of its folders with a second TH82-P Stahlfolder, a top-of-the-range Stahl TH 82-P high-speed folder with Palamides delivery and robotic P-Stacker that will provide extra folding capacity to address the needs of the printing expansion.

Micropress handles a broad range of work including brochures, catalogues, books, magazines, and high-run leaflets.

You can find out more about Micropress in our Publishing Services Directory.

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