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The Sun Online hails latest comScore figures

In what the publishers describe as a milestone moment, The Sun Online has overtaken the Mail Online to become the UK’s number one digital newsbrand, according to the latest release of comScore industry data.

The Sun Online hails latest comScore figures

Based on April’s figures, as interpreted by News UK, The Sun Online saw its total monthly unique users increase to 30.2 million – pulling ahead of Mail Online by 600,000 visitors and demonstrating a 2.9 per cent month-on-month increase.

The April comScore results also reveal The Sun Online has one of the youngest readerships compared to its competitors, with 39 per cent of its total audience aged 34 or under.

Since dropping its paywall in 2015, The Sun has sought a bigger and more diverse online audience in the UK, with increased investment in its digital editorial offering across all channels, particularly the growing mobile platform.

According to News UK, comScore figures detail that The Sun’s mobile monthly visitors has grown to 27.8 million, extending its lead over Mail Online by 2.5 million uniques.

The Sun’s Digital Editor, Keith Poole, said: “All the congratulations need to go to the entire editorial team at The Sun - and everyone across the business without whose support we would not have been able to reach this moment in the UK. It is testament to the talent of Sun journalists, who each day break the stories that set the national agenda and create conversations at home, in offices, in bars and pubs across the land.”