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ESco launches new website for Gundog Journal

In November, ESco, a publishing services bureau, announced that they had launched a new website for Gundog Journal.

ESco launches new website for Gundog Journal
Simon K. Barr: “ESco have demonstrated they care about our customers as much as we do.”

The publisher, Fieldsports Press, wanted a new website which was creative and professional but would most importantly appeal to the Gundog Journal’s target audience. It was for this reason, says ESco, that the site was designed to be visually stunning, with gorgeous images of glossy gundogs to appeal to these consumers.

The publisher also wanted to explore the ways in which advertising and commercial content could be included, whilst maintaining a good user experience. The idea was to create a site that consumers could visit and be met with relevant content, tailored specifically to their interests. This included health and training advice, breed information, gundog health and trusted brands, as well as the opportunity to subscribe to the journal or purchase back issues and books.

The final product integrates eCommerce, subscriptions and content in a seamless user experience and is optimised for all screen sizes, which makes all elements of the site easily accessible on desktops, mobiles, and tablets alike, says ESco.

Simon K. Barr, CEO at Fieldsports Press, said: “Since moving our subscriptions management, fulfilment services and e-commerce platforms to ESco twelve months ago, our business has benefitted from a significant increase in efficiency and profitability. ESco’s attention to detail, sector leading innovation and proactive hands-on approach, has been transformational for our business. Having previously managed customer service for our specialist publications in house, outsourcing to a third party was a daunting step, but ESco have demonstrated they care about our customers as much as we do.”

The announcement was part of a busy autumn for ESco who announced a number of new client wins and the roll out of new services. More details can be found here.

You can find out more about ESco in our Publishing Services Directory.

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